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Club Awards 6 of 9

6. Ladies Awards

Roger King Contribution to the Ladies Section
Roger King was a former member of the club, after whom this trophy was named.

2023-2024 Natalie Chiswell
2022-2023 Tracy Rauch
2021-2022 Not awarded
2020-2021 Not awarded due to Covid
2019-2020 Clare Third
2018-2019 Christine Dalby-Ali
2017-2018 Rebecca Roycroft
2016-2017 Laura Smiley
2015-2016 Debbie Plant
2014-2015 Amie Richards
2013-2014 Christine Dalby
2012-2013 Claire Pearson
2011-2012 Christina Liasides
2010-2011 Fidelis Hynam
2009-2010 Christine Dalby and Rebeccca Floud
2008-2009 Beth Alvey
2007-2008 Beth Alvey

Maggie Lord Ladies Team of the Year
Maggie Lord was the driving force in the ladies section being created and we named our trophy in her honour.

2023-2024 3rd XI
2022-2023 5th XI
2021-2022 1st X1
2020-2021 Not awarded due to Covid
2019-2020 3rd XI
2018-2019 4th XI
2017-2018 2nd XI
2016-2017 4th XI
2015-2016 2nd XI
2014-2015 5th XI
2013-2014 4th XI
2012-2013 3rd XI
2011-2012 2nd XI
2010-2011 4th XI
2009-2010 2nd XI
2008-2009 3rd XI
2007-2008 1st XI
2006-2007 3rd XI
2005-2006 4th XI
2004-2005 3rd XI
2003-2004 3rd XI
2002-2003 2nd XI
2001-2002 2nd XI
2000-2001 1st XI
1999-2000 3rd XI
1998-1999 Unknown
1997-1998 3rd XI
1996-1997 1st XI
1995-1996 3rd XI
1994-1995 2nd XI
1993-1994 Indoor
1992-1993 2nd XI
1991-1992 3rd XI
1990-1991 Indoor
1989-1990 2nd XI
1988-1989 3rd XI
1987-1988 1st XI
1986-1987 3rd XI
1985-1986 3rd XI

Ladies coaches player of the year

2023-2024 Sanjana Raghavendran
2022-2023 Emily Foster
2021-2022 Laura Smiley
2020-2021 Not awarded due to covid
2019-2020 Issy Allison
2018-2019 Eleanor Fenton
2017-2018 Amy Rowland
2016-2017 Amy Rowland
2015-2016 Helen Hegarty
2014-2015 Bess Menheneott
2013-2014 Helen Lees
2012-2013 Stephanie Taylor
2011-2012 Cath Baldock
2010-2011 Laura Healy
2009-2010 Emma Yates
2008-2009 Ellie Courtney

N J Fennell Ladies Most Improved
N J Fennell was a former player, after whom this trophy was named.

2023-2024 Emma Briggs
2022-2023 Chloe Baldock
2021-2022 Elena Parry
2006-2021 Not awarded
2005-2006 Fidelis Hynam
2004-2005 Emily Jones
2003-2004 Nicole Kirkham
2002-2003 Miriam Toolan
2001-2002 Not awarded
2000-2001 Rachel Brown
1999-2000 Sandra Drain
1998-1999 Elizabeth Palmer
1997-1998 Adrianne Kendall
1996-1997 Abigail Morroll
1995-1996 Not awarded
1994-1995 Not awarded
1993-1994 Lindsey Bishop
1992-1991 January Vibart
1991-1992 R O'Dwyer
1990-1991 Caroline Hurd
1989-1990 Catherine Cranmer
1988-1989 Carolyn Gallagher
1987-1988 Sarah Lockwood
1986-1987 Leah Fraser